Tag Archives: crow

Beware The Trap Set Before You


713px-Fox_and_crowThe Fox and the Crow

A crow, having found a piece of cheese, flew to the top of a tree where she hoped to enjoy her meal. A fox caught sight of her and thought “If I plan this right, I shall have cheese for supper.” “Good day, Mistress Crow,” he said in his most politest tone. “How well you are looking today! How glossy your feathers are and how bright your eyes. Your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your beauty does. Let me hear but one song from you.” The crow, being flattered by these words, lifted up her head and began to caw her best. The moment she opened her mouth the cheese fell to the ground only to be snapped up by the fox. As the fox walked away with the cheese, he offered this piece of advice to the crow. “The next time someone praises your beauty, be sure to hold your tongue.”

This morning while in the shower praying for various people, the Lord reminded me of the Aesop fable I heard as a child. I was then reminded of the wisdom found in this simple fable. Continue reading Beware The Trap Set Before You