Tag Archives: dad

Amy’s Reception


amy 2On Saturday June 22nd 2013 my daughter Amy and her husband held a reception/party for all their friends and family who were unable to attend their wedding in St. Lucia in April. It was wonderful. They rented The Irish American Home Society building in Glastonbury. Beautiful hard wood floors, well lit, AIR CONDITIONED (It was over 80 and beautiful outside!) and just great.

Amy and a number of her friends put together all the tables with their white and black theme. Another of her friends made sure it was catered well, with tons of food, American, Italian and of course, Haitian. (My son grabbed some of the Haitian picklese thinking it was cole slaw. Nope…habanero seasoned!) The DJ kept the music going, the kitchen kept the food out and the time was low key with no drama.

I saw lots of friends and family.

It was just a great time.

Jordan-My turn! Tina, Matt & Jacob in background.
Jordan-My turn! Tina, Matt & Jacob in background.
Manley visiting...
Manley visiting…

Matt, Tina