Tag Archives: Daniel

Life – A Spiritual Quest

leejohndrowteamI thought a lot about the blood moon as we drove back from Boston last night. I thought about it through my sleepless night. I thought how far I have come in my journey with Jesus. When I started I was fearful, tired and really at the end of my rope. But the entrance of Jesus into my heart and my life energized me, changed me. Clearly it was less about me and more about Him.

I know what I believe now causes many to say “good bye” but my thinking was changed by Him and not because I woke up one day and said “this will be a great idea”. I think in retrospect I came in by fear and not by faith only to find something, some one I could believe in. Continue reading Life – A Spiritual Quest

My Trees-A Small Rant – And Solutions…


It is more than just a place to go. It may be how you get there.
It is more than just a place to go. It may be how you get there.

This morning I looked out over the horizon and saw the turning of the trees creeping up on New England. In the midst of a government shutdown do the trees on Federal land know whether or not they are supposed to change? Are they even allowed to change?

So many are not being allowed to enter into the favorite parks to view foliage in light of the shutdown. They are being met with red signs that declare the “Government Shutdown” and the reasons for the closures. (Who paid for the signs? Did we?) How many will visit New England and not be allowed in? (Yay for Wisconsin who declared that many would not be shut down.) Continue reading My Trees-A Small Rant – And Solutions…