Tag Archives: finances

When God Says No


fearSo often in the body of Christ we get caught up in God being the ATM of all ATMs. “Ask and you shall receive” is what we learn and soon decide that is a great idea. Let me be honest in saying I sometimes pray that way, and maybe just maybe so do you if you are really honest about it.

And in the desire to give you full disclosure, I don’t always do “well” with no especially when it affects my finances. A little over a year ago, I became ill. I was so sick that I ended up losing my business. And that was on top of our home being destroyed. The good news is that the sickness was the result of environmental issues and solved by moving. The loss of income not so easily repaired. So, when my wife lost her job of nearly 12 years, things became a little more “difficult.” Continue reading When God Says No