Over time if you pay attention to things you will soon learn the value of something. But not all value is out in the open, staring you in the face.
Yesterday I read of a man who went through a difficult time. His response was he grabbed his metal detector and went treasure hunting. A short while later under 6 inches of dirt he found an 87 ounce piece of gold. Estimated to be worth $135,000 he said he would not take less than $200,000 for it. Continue reading Hidden Value Being Revealed →
Last night I connected with a friend who I have not spoken to in years. Lives changed. Different paths. Fellow New Englanders we engaged over my article on New England. She wrote back. “Wow. Yes I resonate but I have always felt that it was our time because we live in the eternal now in Him but it does pair up with how God has called me over the past 25 years to release intimate love, boundless expressions of worship and wild creativity in the church, outside of the church, to large groups and individuals. Beautiful words and declarations…He’s always there with the goods willing to release them in and thru us. I don’t believe there is a need for delay or a sense of distance of any kind. At least that’s my theology now after 25 years.” Continue reading Come Out! Come Out Wherever You Are! →
The other day I was sitting here just looking at names on Facebook and I would receive a picture over various ones. I would take some thought and send someone a message about what I saw. I did this with people I did not know and had no “clue” about. It was my way of paying it forward a little.
The results were great and even a little fun. One person called me and said “who are you really?” Continue reading Who Are You Really? →
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