Tag Archives: homeless

God Bless You!

leejohndrowteamYesterday I had an encounter with a person so bitter over Christmas, it offended her.

I shared a bit about it yesterday.

However they got to that place of hurting did not matter. They were there. So much so they would break policy and find themselves constantly on the lookout for their boss to change the music back. Continue reading God Bless You!

Feeling Homeless? He Has A Place In Mind…

Feeling Homeless?

This morning I awoke from one of my dreams, but I realized I had not “left” the dream. It continued on as I heard the breathing and snores of my family from their places of rest, viewed what time it was. I lay there as the scenes went in and out.

I felt the warm tears upon my face. The dream had been personally emotional. My life was being upturned in the dream.

The beginning of the dream was being spent in eastern Vermont, but moments later I was transitioned to an area of Vermont on the western side that I had not been in for many, many years. I was being questioned by an administrator of a program to “help” people. He asked me if I trusted him. My answer was short and to the point. “No” I replied. I said “I believe that you believe you are helping people. But you really are not. You are taking away their freedoms driving them to a system that ‘cares’ for them that would never have been needed to be implemented had you not removed their liberties.” Continue reading Feeling Homeless? He Has A Place In Mind…