Tag Archives: Menashe

Equal Footing – The Blessing Of Your Children


blessingWhen I was young I attended a prep school that was predominantly Jewish in enrollment or so it seemed. I had lots of Jewish friends that I spent time with not only in school but outside of school. Some played in our rock band, others invited me over for feasts and gatherings and get-togethers.

I understood the Jewish culture somewhat. After leaving Connecticut I had no real contact with the Jewish community until a business I had brought me once again into relationships with them. Not long after that I found my relationship with Christ. Immediately, through our first church I had a number of Jewish believers I fellowshipped with. Again, I was pulled into their culture and what the Jewish follower believed. It was through this I began to understand the scriptures of Old Testament. I studied feasts, customs and more. Continue reading Equal Footing – The Blessing Of Your Children