Tag Archives: parachute

Answered Prayers and Prophecy


2014-03-15 11.16.51I wrote this January 1, 2005 after multiple dreams. Some of these have come through. A lot of it actually.

Over the last week I have had many dreams and last night was no different. Continue reading Answered Prayers and Prophecy

3 dreams August 23rd 2013 Light-Reservations-Change

cropped-cover1.jpgLast night I had three dreams. The three is not lost on me.

  • Each one powerful and I believe with unusual significance.
  • Each one was broken up by awakening and a sense of awe.
  • The first foreign in nature, the second with relationship starting, the third with relationships.

Continue reading 3 dreams August 23rd 2013 Light-Reservations-Change