Tag Archives: perma

You Can’t Change Them If You Can Not Touch Them

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

Over the last few weeks I have meditated on that thought process. Spoken to me a few weeks back, an older man said “you cannot change them if you cannot get it in them.”

Yesterday, I read an article that spoke of a gospel singer returning to her roots after years of going “off the deep end” in her Christianity. Most people recognize that the church for a number of years; got them “saved” and after telling them what had been erased, now turned and said “be careful” as if God would return to a status of “mad” to keep them there. Freedom would flood a person, the power and presence of God would overtake and two minutes later someone would be instructing how to keep “it.” Continue reading You Can’t Change Them If You Can Not Touch Them