Tag Archives: workman

Child Of Promise – Child Of Change


preachingatvillageI had seen this child before. I knew her from somewhere. Upon waking up I remembered I saw this child in a dream as I prepared for trip to participate in a revival. In the dream I was working on a home I had owned in the 80’s. A friend named Rose (His last name. Rose of Sharon?) was working alongside me. He had ordered a load of materials. As this monstrous truck unloaded, blocking traffic on the hill. There amongst the trees lay a child. Someone went to pick her up. But in the moment they walked away all the materials had been applied to the building. The house was built. They came over and gave me this child. I held her and she began to smile, to laugh. Her smile changed the weather! I could feel it, see it change. My friend looked at the house and said “great job”. I remember the burned down house that had been there weeks before. The work and labor to clean it up and get it ready to restore. (In reality the actual man who bought the house when I lived there had a last name that meant to cease, to stop, to halt!) But as I looked at the house, it was done! Finished! Complete! Continue reading Child Of Promise – Child Of Change