The Cry Of The Voiceless

heargod2I sat there and stared at the paper. There were lots of words that had received bold type. As I read through it, I thought, “why”. Why the emphasis? Clearly this was an added thought, not relevant to the original paper. In fact, it detracted from the original theme of what had been written. It caused things to lose context. To lose meaning.

I awoke from the dream, the words fresh in my mind. The dream was meaningful on multiple levels.These levels, were “losing one’s voice”, making a play, changing the meaning and being heard. I will address each one and then hopefully wrap it up! Dreams like this often leave me with more questions, not about the meaning, but the “why me”? Especially when you see the words and hear the sentences.

The Voiceless-This week, I lost my voice in the natural. I could not speak well, and when I did my voice crackled and pitched. It was frustrating. Add in the sore throat and loss of sleep and it was kind of rough. But it also compared to my thoughts of my life. Too often in my life and the life of others, we value helping others by what we might get to say. (I believe others are in this boat.)I think God is changing that up in my life. No longer what I say but stronger emphasis on what I do. This weekend is going to lend itself to the changes I am going to make. (Anyone who thinks one day, the changes stop, at least in my life that has not been the case. God loves us too much to leave us on the side of the road.)

The Player-The world seems to be filled with folks who want to “make a play” or live for that 15 minutes of fame. Now, perhaps no one more than me, enjoys those times of a kairos moment, where the heavens seem to align and everything works. That all the preparation and hard work paid off. But life currently does not seem to be about those brilliant flashes of lightning every couple of minutes. What it does seem to show (My observation.) is times where you get to wonder, “did God leave the room”. But if you live your whole life hoping and praying for that 15 minutes of fame to to be somebody,you will miss out on being the somebody God intended you to be. You can not seek your value in the 15 minutes of fame. Too many lose out on life while chasing rainbows. Seeking excitement and thrill. And losing their life so as to avoid the mundane.

I work with folks like that. I used to be that person. I get it.

The Changer-This is the person who adapts life’s situations and make them about themselves. They derive their pleasure in me. Unfortunately most of them are not pleasurable to be around nor are they finding pleasure. These folks are hurting in their lives. They are trying to add value to their lives in any way they can. And this hurts them. It may hurt others but usually those around them simply feel pity. They are not usually being evil, but needing to put up a challenge to others to be heard.

The Loud-In a effort to be heard they step up the volume. The place “bold” print on things to emphasize their position. The louder they get the more they lose their voice .

Let me share what I saw in the dream. You will see what was “written” in the dream. You will also see the emphasis of the changer in italics and the loud in bold. The voiceless will not be heard and I will address that in a few moments and the player will not be seen.

Today you will see the culmination of many actions and works. You will see that, that which you doubted has come to pass. You will look around and say “how did I get here”. That I was so busy I missed out. You will realize that you were always created for this time and for this day. That all your disappointments are but a small memory. Today you will reach out to others in wonder and say “look what the Lord has done!” And they will be amazed. For once you cried out “have you forsaken me” and now you see the work of my hand. This is truly your day. Truly your hour.

That is what I wrote. Here is what I discovered hours later.

Today you will see the culmination of many actions and works. Is this truly the day? You will see that, that which you doubted has come to pass. For have I not always known? You will look around and say “how did I get here”. I knew we were in the wrong place, but did others listen? That I was so busy I missed out. While I labored to get here. You will realize that you were always created for this time and for this day. I knew all along that God would not leave me. That all your disappointments are but a small memory. You came here by sin, but I have redeemed you. Today you will reach out to others in wonder and say “look what the Lord has done!” And they will be amazed. For I knew all along and God restored me. For once you cried out “have you forsaken me” and now you see the work of my hand. This is truly your day. Truly your hour. Thank you for what you have done for me. Selah!

At first blush it looks kind of okay. But it changed the message. It added air where solidness had been. (I am not saying this because my words changed. I am saying this because focus was lost.)If I removed the italics and the boldness, it is okay, but in this meaning is lost. We are to exercise discernment.

I realized when I got that last paragraph many might not catch what I feel is to be said here. What is probably most evident is the lack of love and the reality of God. God is not “shifting shadows” or italics. Love is not clanging cymbals or BOLD print. Love is…well, love.

And that brings me to the voiceless. There are two sides to this. To have a voice one must have something to voice. In the beginning a child may have little to say, so they use volume or change the scenario. As they grow older, they receive instruction and a larger voice moves forward. I think there are many who are not heard who are hurting or need to be heard. Sometimes the “sounds of silence” in our world are deafening.

There is another time where being voiceless may well be a play of the enemy. If he can silence you he believes he will win. And needless to say that voiceless is demonic in its nature.

But I sense there is a calling away with God in this hour. Even as the angel silenced Zechariah in the book of Luke, perhaps there is a voicelessness that is God empowered. The purpose being to empower a new word, a new language. To change a “priesthood” if you will.

We do not know how Elizabeth or the rest of his family responded to his voicelessness. I am sure all parties were most likely frustrated by the silence.

I come from a generation that felt the need to be heard. To develop a voice. What followed was a generation that sought solitude, darkness and quiet. But I heard the words  this morning“from the North will come a strong wind. It will be like a freight train in the night and it will split the cold of the night. There will be a flame in the land as the embers of its fire fall to the ground and touch the dryness that has been. It will shatter the night and bring in its light. No longer will “what will be will it be” but in this hour it shall be as I purposed” An no longer will you embrace the sounds of silence, but in fact will you hear the cry of Holy, Holy is the Lord!”

For out of the north shall come the house of Joseph, a forerunner of Jesus, typifying wisdom and prosperity in the midst of a darkness.

Too often we associate the pain of transition with lack of love when in fact it is this frustrating time that is birthing something new, something fresh. This week I gave a word to a pre-believer. It came to pass. He called to tell me I “spooked” him. Even in our transition time there is a reality of God working, pulsing.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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