I have lots of unusual dreams, but last nights was perhaps one of my most bizarre. It was over a few “dream spaces”, interrupted by awakening and still kept coming. I suspect there is a greater measure related to the “Easter weekend” but it still took me by surprise.
In the dream I was on an island in the middle of a large lake. I could hardly see the shore line. I thought the island “looked” familiar. There was security roaming the island. Despite the impression of it being on a lake, somehow I felt that we were encountering tides.
I had been digging along the edge of the sandy beaches and had begun to uncover treasure chests. In the treasure chests was artwork of various kinds. All of it seemed to have been buried below the “water line” and was wet. As I would pull out pictures they would drip water and yet were clearly intact.
On the island I found myself avoiding the security patrols and their vehicles. In the area I was digging in there was a very large black car parked just past the tree line.
I dug more and more. I never got the impression of stealing but more like rescuing these pieces of art and the treasures. I felt that they had been held improperly by people on the island.
And then I was facing a gun. The man ordered me away from the treasure and into the car. He put me and another man into the front seat of the car. He ordered me to drive it towards the water. Part of me thought “if I could just get it to the other side”. While he was yelling at me, I began to fell like “this is it” and so I drove the car very quickly into the water. I felt the car bounce around and the water came in.
A moment later I was back on the island confronting the security officer. His face changed and turned evil. I began to back him down and “take authority” over him and the evil be perpetrated on the island.
I awoke. I had a sense of victory. I began to contemplate the meaning of it all.
On one level I think it has to do with Easter. Jesus and His death and resurrection covered a “lot of ground” outside of time. The God who is timeless, went timeless. Many things changed for the believer in that moment. The law was eradicated and became null and void. Eternal life was sown in to the hearts and minds of the believer. The dream reminded me of all who Jesus “led captivity captive” (Ephesians 4:8) as I pawed through chests of treasure, removing it from its watery grave. (baptism) There was redemption where the law was removed and its “true” face revealed in the new covenant of carrying evil and hurting people.
For many I believe the dream represents the hopes and dreams of callings and purpose, seemingly ended in the test and yet God is the restorer and He brings restoration.
Many have found words tested and gone through pain, but as God sees your faith and most of all your heart He is bring change. In the dream I thought I would “drive it” out but God’s plan was different and more powerful, still bringing the treasure.
Your pain has been seen, your heart uncovered. Out of the depth of tears(water line) God is revealing treasure for what has “been sown in tears” is being reaped in joy. Stay the course and let God deliver you. Selfish delivery avails no one. His hand of delivery will reveal “Joseph, Moses, David” and more.
Do not swing widely or with anger but let the truth of God bubble up in your life.
There has been much talk about seasons and maturity.
A few of us have been on this “train”. Yesterday a friend wrote about maturity and how you could determine their maturity by how they left and entered a season.
Many years ago a wise “dad” in my life said this.
A child who is born breech or “kicking and screaming” has the potential to destroy the mother and quite possibly themselves. A child born “normally” will leave the mother “in tact” and themselves as well.
Burning bridges is never a good idea.
Many are entering into new seasons. What does your present season look like and are the people in it still intact after your birthing?
How you leave is too often how you enter. Peace is a great word to consider…
We are entering a new season. Even as “winter” has tried to reclaim our spring, so have disappointments tried to mess with your new season. Today I take authority over the work of the enemy and I declare the revelation of the Lord will become stronger and more powerful in your life.
Truly it is a good Friday.