The Lost, The Lonely, The Loveless


alyssacamera 004In the dream my wife and I were asked to minister in a town in Connecticut. We drove down there and had arranged for some of our team to join us later. Before the church gathering we were to meet the minister at a school in the area. We arrived and pulled up to the school. Like any school, there was a number of students crossing from one section to another. Some going to their cars. We pulled open the front door and went to the office to sign in. We were escorted to the gymnasium.

On this walk down the hall there were familiar things in play. Some of my memories filtered in and yet it was much newer. I had thought there was a peacefulness when I arrived, but upon walking in the building I began to feel the edginess try and get my attention. I saw a young man multiple times. Seemed like he was everywhere. He would never look at me. Just went where he needed to. I felt something dark emanating from him. Like danger. I turned around to see him one last time as we entered the gym.

We were escorted to the front and I began to share to a gym full of kids. I am not sure “what” I shared but I know I began to follow my string of pictures I was seeing. I could feel how much these kids needed love and I could feel the spirit of God pouring out His love towards them. Hardened children began to cry, weep and occasionally a little smile would appear. I prayed, hugged, spoke. My emotions were high as I saw lives changed. I could feel a pulsing music in my head. Old songs of revival days began to stream in my mind. At some point I headed towards the door. A young girl (14-16 years old I would say.) met me at the door. She told me she “loved me”. I simply said my thanks and kept walking. But she persisted in telling me the same thing. Finally, she walked over to a car, blew me a kiss and said “I really love you.”

The next scene found me in a large church building. The service had already started. My team was in gear and readying to do what we had been called to do. As the lines began to form I saw the pastor over to the side. He was pacing. A prayerful pace? I wasn’t sure. And then he yelled at someone. Nope… I knew he was not familiar with the prophetic and had not allowed it to happen in his church gatherings. Who was he yelling at? Some people were talking in the back and he was trying to hear. I suspect he was also a little nervous about what could happen. I looked at the people streaming out of their seats and moving towards the front. I saw a lot of young people remaining in the seats. I motioned for the microphone. I asked that each person go and get someone. I went to a young man and I grabbed his hand and said “I am here for you”. He began to cry. “Please tell them you are here for them” I asked. Crying began to ensue. My team was looking, watching. One of them pointed to the back. The frantic young man I had seen earlier was in the back. He had a gun. I looked at my team and mouthed “this is it”. I set down the microphone and began to walk towards the back. My wife saw me and began to cry, but a smile formed on here mouth. She knew.

Many did not know what was happening. I began to speak loudly and with all the love I could “access”. The young man raised the gun and pointed it to me. I said “no, we are not going to do this. We are going to put the gun down and talk”. I held my hand up as I got close. Somewhere I released heaven and its peace. I saw the bullet before I heard the noise. The bullets fell to the ground. I continued to walk towards the young man. I went up and reached out to him. I took the gun and I took his hand. I held him close. I spoke lovingly to him. I kissed him on the head. And his body began to convulse, to shake. From deep inside a wailing came forth. I held him. This went on a long time. When I looked up the church gathering was staring at me. People were crying, weeping. The police were already there.

I reached for the microphone. “Heaven is kissing earth and the people are caught in her kiss. Heaven is real and ready. The people are seeing they are the children of love. Today is our day!” And the place erupted. But all I could hear was the tears of heaven splashing on the ground.

I fully planned to write something else this morning. But even as I wrote out the dream, visions kept happening. I will say that I am not unaware of what the above is saying and yet I am fully cognizant that it is not about me. It is about the lost, the lonely and the loveless.

Our ability to reach out into the darkness is being questioned, challenged even. “Ferguson is a test” is what I heard. Our 4 point sermons, our “behavior mod” teaching is not and has not worked. (You can send someone to boot camp, but until they get out in the field, into the action, it is not known whether they will “hang in there”.)People can show you the route but it does not mean that you will get there.

I wrote this last night. Always notice the numbers. 3 times from totally unrelated sources, I have seen “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God”. When I see something multiple times, particularly in a single day and only one is referenced to current violence, I am sitting here thinking, “they are coming”. The mature sons of God are rising up!!!!!

I am going to let you play in the dream. I am interested in what you see. What you hear.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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