The other day I wrote an article on the God Card. That article also “iced” some people as they saw themselves in it. The only reason for playing the God Card is to win. Not God wins, you win. Another recent article was discussing the idea of marriage and what blessing means in a marriage. That one had some detractors as well. Priorities and filters, the same.
It would be disingenuous of me to not share all that God shows me. People often desire the prophet grace in the church until it starts to talk about “elimination” or change or calling people to better life.
- That better life has been paid for and come out of the rest expressing itself in a faith tied to works moment. My heart is that I can rejoice with your rejoicing. That you would achieve all that God has provided for you. I may not even know you but that is my desire. A better life. The process is in your hands. The choices yours.
- Change is something that is inevitable. I find many holding onto discomfort because moving ahead is too frightening. Not moving ahead can bring greater pain, further hindrance. Yes, weigh prophetic words. But when you feel the move is on, move! In 9/11 the north tower closed off for 1,400 people, but in the south tower, 2,000 people faced a critical choice, to stay or to go. For in just a few short minutes another plane would be crashing into the building. 1,400 fled that day. 600 did not and perished. They heard announcements that the building was safe. They ran for elevators and not stairs. They did not go back for their briefcase. Sometimes the best move is GO!
- Elimination? What? I have often said that the New Testament prophecy is to encourage, edify and to exhort. To strengthen heart, to build up, to spur on. Exhorters are people who spur others on to higher levels of achievement. Spurring may not always feel pleasant! Paul spurred on Timothy. Why? Because he loved him and he saw the greatness in him. I have frequently said that part of the prophetic gift is not just to be the eyes but sometimes it is to be the elimination system of the body. The part that helps people get their “eating” habits on track. The part that eliminates the waste from one’s life.
One of the keys to life or death in 9/11 was what group of people they ended up with, who influenced and what they said, “stay here” or “go.” What voice are you listening to? That voice is viably important.
A.W. Tozer says, In any group of ten persons at least nine are sure to believe that they are qualified to offer advice to others. And in no other field of human interest are people as ready to offer advice as in the field of religion and morals. Yet it is precisely in this field that the average person is least qualified to speak wisely and is capable of the most harm when he does speak.
If you reach out to others to seek help or counsel, reach out in wisdom. Today some of you are faced with large decisions. Some of those decisions have been out of your hands. (I understand that.) Some of those are coming because of choices. Those choices might have been wise or they may not have. Regardless you are on the precipice of change. My encouragement to you is to seek God. God has your answer.
Sidenote-Over the past week I saw the power of grace in a young man’s life. His presence in this young man’s life changed this person. Encouragement was seeded. Edification was sown. Exhortation was measured. The result was this young man changed the circumstance of one who was very ill. He changed the atmosphere of a hospital. He changed the outcome. The man in the hospital bed is coming home EARLY.
Yesterday I wrote from a dream/vision. I saw provision in part of it. God has provided the prophetic grace as much to give vision as He did to help the church walk ahead unfettered, unshackled. Years ago, I was watching a church struggle through things. I spoke this scripture-Ezekiel 34:17-19 (MSG) 17-19 “‘And as for you, my dear flock, I’m stepping in and judging between one sheep and another, between rams and goats. Aren’t you satisfied to feed in good pasture without taking over the whole place? Can’t you be satisfied to drink from the clear stream without muddying the water with your feet? Why do the rest of my sheep have to make do with grass that’s trampled down and water that’s been muddied?
Let me be honest. At the time I was frustrated at what I saw. But people were hurting one another. The message though in my understanding then and now is, let us stop mixing the message. Let us stop adding the law to grace. Can we not learn to walk with one another? I am assured that we can!
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