Whose Report Do YOU Believe?


leejohndrowteamYou have believed a lie. Some how you have come to believe your life has too little value. How can He use me? What can I do?

The spider wove a web. Not like a sheet, but with openings. A fly soon flew into it, thinking there was an opening. It was stronger than the  web but soon the ability to stand up, to move, to fly, was gone. Energy sapped. It awaited death.

Many have fallen to the trap thinking that there is an opening in the web of lies. Rather than avoid the web, we attempt to fly through it. Discernment would have kept us from the lie perhaps. Yet, all it took was one small lie. One touch of the web, to cause us to spin and forget what we were doing , where we are going and who we are.

Over the years we have come under the belief that is arrogant to act as God has called you. That somehow it is humility to denigrate the uniqueness God has created in our lives. Humility is to be “little old me” when it fact the words of the Lord are that at we are more than overcomers.

Over months of being in the work place, I have watched the extremes. The bravado, the self deprecation. Yesterday I was allowed to share who God was with an individual going through a difficult time. As tears formed in their eyes, I sensed the presence of the God.

The enemy’s plan for the world was to see destruction come in every way, shape or form. God’s plan is that His people would redeem the world.

It is hard to believe you will do great and amazing deeds when you don’t see or feel it, thinking it is in conflict with being humble.

I have noticed over time that people know the words, the verses of might and power. They may well speak them, pray about them. But there life is distantly and diametrically opposed to that which they desire to accomplish. You can not get away with saying you are more than an overcomer and choose life as if you are not. That “overcomer” position is not jumped to. It is now and not tomorrow for those who see it and release it in their lives. It is not just by words, but accompanied by actions.

Until you believe your value in the here and now, you will not allow that value to pay out in your life today or tomorrow without a change in your thinking.

If you can say “I am valuable because God loves me” what is keeping you from moving on it? [tweetthis]Will this help someone you know?[/tweetthis]

Our belief that we are valuable today ought to be important to draw on today. As I spoke with this person yesterday, I found myself trying to overcome the belief they had that “they were nobody” and were valuable today. Not when they fixed their lives or did something amazing.

You are valuable in God’s view because He says you are. Not because you have done something or are going to do something. Today. Now. You don’t have to do something “grown up” to prove your worth. Your value.

The lie you listen to is easy to accept. There are enough pithy statements out there to convince you. The question is simply this. Who’s report will you believe? Who’s report do you believe NOW? TODAY? Will you believe you are valuable or will you believe you are worthless.

Last week I faced a very difficult time. One second I was “fine” but over the next day I lost all value. I came to the place and the belief that everyone would be better off if I were not around. It was fast. It was furious. And it quickly got a foothold. The next 24 hours were really difficult. I knew it was right to fight. But the lies kept coming.

It is one of the greatest reasons the scriptures tell us to forsake not the gathering of the saints. To encourage, exhort and edify one another about their value in the here and now. Not just that they are a great singer or writer (Thought they may be.) but that they are a believer, filled with God, capable of great acts. More than an overcomer.

Stop believing the lies. Stop saying them, acting on them, walking in them.[tweetthis]Stop believing the lies. Stop saying them, acting on them, walking in them.[/tweetthis]

And walk with your head up, with the knowledge that you are the one that Jesus loved.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

One thought on “Whose Report Do YOU Believe?”

  1. I had an additional thought. This lie, it is affecting your marriages, your parenting skills, your relationships, your mental health and more. I am going to ask you a question to consider. What is the one lie (Something that prevails against what you know God says about you.) that hinders your walk? It might be “I am going backwards” or “I can’t lose weight”, I am a lousy____. Whatever it is, admit your are letting it take over in ways it should not. To continue to believe these will hinder your relationships. All of them. Including the one you have with God because you will allow it to cause you to turn away. Praying for you!

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