A young parent. Or perhaps even more difficult, a single mom or dad. Tough enough, but then throw in the Christmas holiday and it can often be a tumultuous time.
While pastoring, I watched many a family go through the holiday meltdown of “I need more presents.” Parents would sit in my office and ask “what am I going to do?” Communities would come together with meals and gifts as well as many church folks would sow into lives. (And I am not even talking about the greed that comes into place when they find out one or more organizations have opportunities!)Meltdown. (And not just for Christmas. I see it over birthdays as well. And by the way when did we think everyone gets a present on a birthday is a good thing?) Stress just ruins it all for the parents and the children. Do I think children deserve presents? I am absolutely fine with that. I struggle when I see parents destroy their credit cards, discard their peace and can’t wait until it is over.
Folks this is not about whether you believe in Santa Claus or offer him to your children or not. This is about the preservation of goodness in your households.
It is far better to be devoted to being a loving family 365 days of the year versus getting all stressed out over one. The idea of giving up your peace does not bode well for you or your family. Your children are far better off with loving family than they are with games costing hundreds of dollars. Put the money into a family vacation. Get a week out of it!
How many homes have I been in with the piles of toys never used more than their virgin voyage?
If you want to give your children a gift, try giving them you. Give the gift of time. Give the gift of love. Generations to come will thank you.
Lee is a father of 5 children, grandfather to 6 and in love with his family. He is part of The Village Church.
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