Tag Archives: circumstance

All I Will Ever Be


leejohndrowteamToo often in our lives the greatest disappointment is to think “this is it”. Followed by “is there all there is?”

I awoke this morning feeling a somberness that I have not encountered for a while. It may simply be that it is 9/10 and I remember 9/11 in our country. It may just be getting older and wanting it better for everyone. I checked to see if it was a spiritual thing that was working to overtake me. It was simply the feeling of “this is it?” Continue reading All I Will Ever Be

Praise Him…Even When It Is Tough

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

A conversation came up last night about being married, being a parent. My wife said that people often talk to here about how she and I do things. She said “people that flow together have learned to flow during times when ‘flowing’ was not happening”. We had some difficult times in our marriage. But we had to put aside the “d word” (Divorce) and decide that it was for our children. That the legacy of marriage and security was greater than the desire to be separate.

I share the following story from June of 1997. Continue reading Praise Him…Even When It Is Tough

What Were You Created For?

preachingatvillageToo often in our lives, we come to the place where something no longer makes sense and we want to give up. Perhaps it is loss or injury or illness. But it takes the life “out of you” and you want no more.

I recently began something new, something different. In this case the casualty was my creativity. What I do has little opportunity for creativity or coloring outside the lines. Continue reading What Were You Created For?