Tag Archives: dominion

Dominion – Requires Renewing

leejohndrowteamToday is the first time I have written in this style for a while. I have been very focused on my books and getting some things done. Cleaned up, rewriting and such. (Since June I have completed the following books:one on fathers, one on hearing God, a 30 day devotional that will ultimately become a 1 year book, a book on Christmas, a book on revival and started a children’s book.) Continue reading Dominion – Requires Renewing

Community Changers Arise!

leejohndrowteamYesterday as I went for a walk with my grandchildren, I realized I had “missed” something over the summer. Probably it was simply the summer! But as I walked down a path with them and looked at the river, the foliage and even the path, I saw two things. The power of God and His people.

I asked myself what changes a region or a community for the better. Clearly there were the two pieces I envisioned. One was people. The other was God. As I walked I saw the changes. Some good. Some not so good. How do we make it better? I personally believe that His people change a community for the better. Not just the “good” people but the people who release God into a community. Continue reading Community Changers Arise!

When In Rome Do As The Romans Do – When In Heaven…

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

At 3AM I heard this statement, “When in Rome do as the Romans do. When in heaven do as the heavenly do.” Wow! Where are you seated? And even as I say it out loud, I wonder is there something to “do as the heavenly dew.”

I am a word person. Not just from a biblical or faith perspective, but from a “what does it mean” perspective. Words have meaning and they have power. It is not about semantics (Now there is a Greek word. It deals with understanding based on historical or psychological emphasis.) but more importantly, the reality, getting the full flavor out of a word or it’s understanding. Continue reading When In Rome Do As The Romans Do – When In Heaven…