Tag Archives: initiator

The Price Is Right Hearing

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

The building had been reduced to $187,000 from $330,000 during negotiations. The question was, would we be prudent to continue to seek a better price (Possibly losing it.) or ought we consider this price? As we sat around the table and had the discussion, some of us were challenged with the bigger picture, was this what we needed to do? Yes, it expanded our hand print into the city. Yes, it was a good building in good shape. Yes, clearly the value was there for us. Continue reading The Price Is Right Hearing

Creativity In All The Right Places

leejohndrowteamThis morning I had a dream that was so real. So amazing. When I awoke I wanted it to be real. The reason is the person in the dream I have been praying for for almost 20 years. The dream had the “real” compassion of God locked up in it. Continue reading Creativity In All The Right Places