Tag Archives: petitions

The Results Of Praying For Those In Authority

I am continuing to add to the “series” about praying for one leaders. Last night as the fourth and final presidential debate for 2012, I came to the place where I shut off the debate and began to pray for blessing on the debates, blessing upon the two contenders, moderator and gallery.

So, I have added the newest video on “what will result” when we pray for the men or women in leadership(authority) today. Continue reading The Results Of Praying For Those In Authority

Why do we pray for those in authority?

Why do we pray for those in authority? What will be the result? What do we pray? This video is a beginning for those who want to pray as we have been asked to for those in authority and is a follow up from our Debate video and Civil War Dream video.

Paul’s purpose for writing to Timothy is expressed in1 Timothy 3:14-15 Continue reading Why do we pray for those in authority?