Tag Archives: yesterday

Letting Go Of Yesterday

leejohndrowteamYesterday before I went off to be part of the church at our local fellowship, I saw this and wrote it on my ministry page. Lots of people read it and shared it..

This morning I saw words being shed. Words of destruction and words of hurt. I saw the shedding of pain. I saw new words being spoken. New words of goodness, grace and greatness. Continue reading Letting Go Of Yesterday

What Is The Church Of Today?

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

I was engaged in a small chat yesterday. I thought we have relegated the “newness” of God to a “coming” and not a “here” thinking as I watched what others have to say. Our actions in “tomorrow” speak louder than our actions of today.

“This is the day that the Lord hath made.” Psalm 188:23-25

What is it that we are “waiting” on? Our tomorrow is today if we see that. While our naturalness is catching up to our spirit, we have the potential to open it up today. Continue reading What Is The Church Of Today?