A Fortune 100 company (Sony) has been stopped dead in its tracks. 42 million dollars to produce a movie, The Interview was “wasted”. A cyber-attack from a foreign country (North Korea) has held it up and won. Conspiracy, black hats and beliefs aside, the bottom line is this company was a casualty of “war”. (I put that in quotes because who really knows yet. I know what is being said, but…)
The reality is technology has been undermined and technology has won. Why would I write about it? Because last week I wrote about viruses (In the human body.) and even as I wrote of it, I felt there was more. The virus, an ever morphing, ever changing factor that works against the human condition of well living. We often describe virus as virtually impossible to fight because of its ever changing status. (Kind of like some folk’s Facebook!)
But it intrigued me because there is a “code” of sorts. Man in His own nature, because of the fall of man through Adam, picked up a bug, a virus, a malware of sorts. The death of Jesus on the cross gave up a fresh start for those who will ascend to it. A place of hiding or rest in Him for those who will accept it.
Frankly, our country and our leaders seem to be making a number of bad decisions. The news makes it hard to see the forest for the trees. But every time I start to feel “here we go” I am reminded about the greatness of God. I am reminded of the wonder of His people. I am not moved.
Working with technology can be exciting, exhilarating and frustrating all at the same time. I know technology has the potential to get us to the farthest planet (Bummed it is not Pluto!) and to the deepest ocean. But it also has the ability to take over rather than be taken over. Not just in addictions but in self multiplying bugs and corruptions. The world is like that if we do not take a stand.
A major movie has been shelved and a company has lost money and face. It is being declared an act of war. What will happen? Could they have prevented it? Of course? At what cost? Who knows? Like the studio our lives can be under attack until we recognize who we are, where we come from and what we are made of.
What many would consider “old fashioned” is simply a place of peace. The hustle and bustle of the day and allowing the stress can open up to attack. Frankly, the enemy is always looking for a “way in”. So job stress, holiday stress or a desire to not change all lead to a weakened state, one capable of compromise.
I went to a few stores yesterday to people watch, to check out a value or two and to see what the Lord might be saying to me. It was easy to pick out people from amongst the crowd who had engaged in too much stress. But the surprise to me was there was a growing sense of “we are going to change things”. I could feel it. I could see it. With less than a week to Christmas there was something tangible. Something hopeful.
And that is the story. There is a hope that resides with a faith in a garden of change. It is not about more technology or doing “more” nor is it about accepting a circumstance and saying “que sera, sera”. It is about faith in Him and His ability to watch over you.
Maybe it is me, but I perceive a hope, a desire to see change, coming about. I see a “full steam ahead” look beginning to appear. And I sense the Father looking down and smiling.