Category Archives: Family Thoughts

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60 Years On Planet Earth!

My mom and dad bring me home!
My mom and dad bring me home!

My birthday.

Amazing! I cross over to 60 years old. What an amazing time it has been.

This year’s birthday will be celebrated much like my early birthdays were. On a lake. In the Adirondacks.

I made the decision earlier this year to invite my children to the lake region of New York State. The Adirondacks. Continue reading 60 Years On Planet Earth!

The Way Of An Eagle

leejohndrowteamYesterday I had the opportunity to take a canoe ride with my daughter Amy. A father daughter time. She jokingly said, “do I have to paddle” and I said “no”.

At first she was afraid as the canoe made noise, shuddering with each paddle stroke and the wind picking up as we got into open waters. But soon she relaxed and we were talking. We talked about business and family, but then I saw an eagle soaring in the winds. Continue reading The Way Of An Eagle

I Wanna Be Free! Hmmm…

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

“I am independent. I am independent.” What does that even mean?

Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, someone wants to confront me, discuss with me or blast me about independence. Whether it is school children, parents, business folks or politicians, it is there. Independence. Each day I read stories about the very fact of independence. Continue reading I Wanna Be Free! Hmmm…

Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!

indian lake 1In a few short weeks my family and I will go away to the Adirondacks. Our first Johndrow vacation. Children and their children. On a lake with a boat and a beach.

So often in the world of Christianity, we have forgot the nature of having fun, times of respite and the over riding desire of family to be together. Continue reading Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!

Community Is Prophecy Activated

amy dadThe prophetic is exciting. One of the best gifts the Lord has presented to us. Yes, He shared it through a people He calls prophets (Ephesians 4:11) but He also caused people to become prophetic by becoming one with them. People now had the ability to prophesy. Continue reading Community Is Prophecy Activated

What Is Free?

leejohndrowteamLast night I had a dream about something that needed to be translated but no one in the place could figure out how to do it. A message was given to us. There was something unusual about it. Yet no one could decode it. (Yes, they even tried a Google translator.) A friend took it to a little child next door. In moments he translated it, decoded it and back came the paper. The main word of difficulty had a box around it. With stars. It was there. “Embrace of that which cost you nothing and move towards that which is designed for you.”[pullquote]“Embrace of that which cost you nothing and move towards that which is designed for you.”[/pullquote] Continue reading What Is Free?

Things That Make Us Great

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

The other night I got together with a dear friend. The main thinking of the night was going to be business oriented. And while we were getting together on it, I said something and he excitedly said “write that down”. I did. Here it is.

The things that made us great can connect us. Continue reading Things That Make Us Great

Your Light Will Break Forth

leejohndrowteamJim Morris told us in 1966 to “break on through to the other side”.

Many of us have desired breakthrough. Part of it is coming to an understanding of what we are leaving, moving through and headed towards. Over the years I have heard a lot of prophetic words on breakthrough. People get excited. (I do.) But at some point we must look at what it means. It is one thing for me to offer you a candy bar. “You shall have chocolate.” Another if chocolate is not high on your radar screen. It also brings more excitement and understanding to your world, if for instance someone says “you shall have a Payday” and that is your favorite candy bar in the whole wide world! Continue reading Your Light Will Break Forth

Without The Shedding Of Blood…

leejohndrowteamI recently found out that some of my grandchildren had not been to see sap boiled in a New England sugar house. So, I made the decision to take them.

A friend has a sugar house and yesterday after checking with him, I found out what time they would begin boiling. Determining that, we headed out a short time later. As we went up the hill to the small farm, my mind flashed to times in my life where I had helped to gather sap, get it to the sugar house and spend way too many hours to develop what many call “liquid gold”. (I love the taste.) Continue reading Without The Shedding Of Blood…