Category Archives: Family Thoughts

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22 Years And Counting


leejohndrowteamToday my wife and I will celebrate 22 years of marriage. 5 kids (His and hers-no ours…) and 7 grandchildren we made it this far.

A lot of people who bet against us, lost. Our own community back then,  on so many levels turned against us. We had to figure out a lot of things on our own. For each us, both had gone through not one, but two failed marriages. We each knew the pain of divorce and children living apart. Continue reading 22 Years And Counting

Letting Go And Letting God

Mom in December 1998
Mom in December 1998

Grace Happens. Let Go And Let God. First Things First. Live And Let Live.

My Mom had found Al Anon and those bumper stickers began to appear everywhere in our home. Most notably the refrigerator. And frankly I did not understand them so much as I was thinking I should. Especially that one that said “Let go and let God”. What does that mean? I heard a lot of people tell me what they thought it meant. And that one upset me. In part because my relationship with God was non-existent. (Being told God can’t help you by a well meaning minister when it came to drugs, caused me to walk away from anything “God related”. So my mom’s new found “love’ was getting to me.) Continue reading Letting Go And Letting God

Legacy Is A Footprint Recording

When I was a child I thought a sock monkey was God. Someone heard me share the story and made me a new sock monkey.

I jumped from the ledge. The trip down ended suddenly as I splashed down into the mud and water. I was finally able to work my way out. Where I had fallen to was still imprinted with my “image” and remained that way for several days. Continue reading Legacy Is A Footprint Recording

In The Garden There Is Fruit

leejohndrowteamIn the middle of the night I awoke from a dream. In the dream a person was wandering around, unable to connect with any one. They would move from one person to another. Sometimes for a moment and sometimes for longer. As I lay in the darkness and thought about it I began to realize something. It had to do with the topic of value. Value of one’s self and value of others.

Only yesterday I spent time with someone trying to explain their “lifestyle” was becoming problematic to their relationships. Not so sure they bought it. Why? Because they were right. It is easier to “move on” than it is to “stay in”. Continue reading In The Garden There Is Fruit

My Youngest Daughter’s Birthday

cass1Cass’ Birthday

Today we celebrate the birthday of my youngest daughter, Cass. 28 years ago, she entered the world as we know it. Quite a surprise.

I had just finished a concert. Both my wife and I at the time, were tired, overtired. The day had begun around 4AM and 11PM was on the dial. “Moments” later I was awake, feeling something was different.I looked over to my wife at the time and she did not look well. The next few hours were high speed. Continue reading My Youngest Daughter’s Birthday

Maneuvering Disappointment

growingupI have a fast growing friend who is going through a series of serious disappointments. He hardly sees his daughter, has a difficult relationship with his ex and finds himself recently losing a “significant other”. After months of “hearing” I knew stepping out into the waters of relationship were on the plate. I did. Yesterday, he shook my hand and said, “thanks for being a friend”. Continue reading Maneuvering Disappointment

I’ll Stop The World… No More Franticity!

What if...
What if…

I fully understand that the world is carried on in “microseconds’ when it comes to information. As I read the news, I see people are clamoring for instant access to “what is going on” in the world about them. This morning as I read a few articles, I glanced at one that brought chills. Continue reading I’ll Stop The World… No More Franticity!

Like A Child…

alyssacamera 004Like many, I often find myself caught up in wanting to pray or needing to pray. In the middle of the night, I awoke feeling the need to pray. As I prayed about what I felt was given to me to pray, another picture formed in my mind. Actually, two pictures.

The first was a scene with me, running in the house, telling my parents, they “needed” to see something. I am sure you have seen the scene. The child bursts into the house, the parents look towards him or her. They indicate “wait a moment”. The child starts to squirm and get antsy, waiting to tell what is on his or her mind. Finally, it is “their turn” and a string words begin to spill forth. “Urgency” accentuating each and every word. Sometimes a discovery they made or the sounds of an ice cream truck going by. But it is now. This minute. Continue reading Like A Child…