Tag Archives: connections

Plan A – When Nothing Else Will Do

leejohndrowteamThe right connections are so important. Only this morning my computer has decided it no longer likes my modem and refuses to connect meanwhile chasing down other wireless opportunities in my area. How often is our own life like that? We have a connection to make but when it is unavailable, rather than waiting we move to a Plan B?

The problem with the Plan B approach is our impatience at a situation or circumstance. So, we go out to fix it on our own. Abraham did that. He took on Hagar and ended up with Ishmael. He initially chose a Plan B that caused all kinds of problems and may well contribute to our problems today. Continue reading Plan A – When Nothing Else Will Do

Legacy Is A Footprint Recording

When I was a child I thought a sock monkey was God. Someone heard me share the story and made me a new sock monkey.

I jumped from the ledge. The trip down ended suddenly as I splashed down into the mud and water. I was finally able to work my way out. Where I had fallen to was still imprinted with my “image” and remained that way for several days. Continue reading Legacy Is A Footprint Recording