Fulfilling A Calling

break throughNever Giving Up

This weekend a young woman who used to be in our fellowship in Vermont some twenty years ago did something incredibly amazing. She swam the English Channel. I remember Bethany being in our youth group. So I have been following her progress.

“I’ve thought about the Channel since I was a little kid.” When God puts something in your heart, it is His deposit. Not yours. Oh, you may expound on it. You may dress it up a little, but there is something that knows it is a gift from the Lord.

And so over the years she built upon that gift. And at 29 she smoked it. She crossed the channel. Becoming one of the few individuals to make it. Defeating wind, currents and weather, she had “girded” up the loins of her mind to make it. She did is it in 17 hours and 34 minutes. (Most people won’t stay awake that long!)


I read her blog, saw her challenges and sit here in awe!

When you first begin to think God loves you, life is strange. When you begin to see He has a call in your life it begins to get more unusual. And when you do what you believed you were called to, designed and created for people begin to view you differently. So as you look out in the distance and give thought to what you are being pulled towards, life begins to change.

I know many who are seeking identity, looking for calling and feeling a little unusual these days. I assure you it is all in His plan.

As Paul said, “having done all. Stand.”

You may not swim the Channel, but get up and move towards the finish.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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