I Came That You Might Think

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Have you seen the horse? Do you see a table or people? Let me know when you know how many frogs there are.

“Lee, what are you talking about?”

I am talking about those drawings that appear on Facebook or in a kid’s Highlight magazine. The ones where a drawing has more than one figure. Or you are asked to see how many of something exist in a picture. The purpose being to cause you to think. To see outside the norm. To evaluate and not just move on to the next thing without thinking.

In a dream last night I was trudging down a road, my arms laden with supplies, food and more. I finally got to the garage. I opened the door. Walking in, I saw my daughter. She began to share some things. One of those things was the need to watch a particular movie. I balked. “We saw that last night.”

I awoke from the dream. I recollected the movie, the dream, but I could not remember what day it was. Was I to be at work? (no) Finally I sorted it all out.

I began to think of the patterns and frequencies of things. Why seasons of one thing and not another? One of the the things I uncovered while thinking and researching was the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. Where you see something and then you see it again. (Kind of like I saw the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon and now I see it everywhere!)

Like myself in the dream, too many walk around carrying weights they need not ought to. (I am not saying to stop “praying” for strength but in our weakness He is made strong. So many memes seem cool but they are not biblcal from the perspective of grace or Jesus. Like my daughter wanting to watch the same movie, often people feel they have no choice. “This is the way we have always done it.”)

I felt impressed to say the following.

  • Just because it was does not mean it has to be.
  • Just because you have always done it this way does not make it right or perhaps more importantly, for now.
  • Freedom gives you choices.
  • A mistake does not disqualify you.
  • It is not wrong to look at something differently.

Last night Kris Valloton wrote this on his Facebook site. Nobody can serve two masters but you must serve one! Those who think they are not serving any master are the most enslaved.

Jesus did not come to tell you how to think. He came to ask you to begin to think.

Today is your day to begin to think outside the box. (Was there a box?) To color outside the lines. (Even broken crayons can draw.)To dream bigger and to love more deeply.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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