Yesterday before I went off to be part of the church at our local fellowship, I saw this and wrote it on my ministry page. Lots of people read it and shared it..
This morning I saw words being shed. Words of destruction and words of hurt. I saw the shedding of pain. I saw new words being spoken. New words of goodness, grace and greatness.
Personally, I am not very good at “letting go” of things. I always strive to find the value of the least. Last week someone gave me a word that my cup of blessing that was no longer full was being poured out and a new cup of blessing was being placed in my hands, in my life.
This next season for many will be not “to hold on because you think that is all there is” or to “hold on because you want to be a good steward” but to allow the refreshing words of God and the prophets to bring change to your life. That words of encouragement are being sown. Let the hardness you have held be turned up. Release the bitterness you have drank to be spit out that the waters of God and His goodness might overtake you.
Upon arriving I was asked to open. As people came in and readied to worship, I shared the word.
It is a word of freedom. An opportunity to see the old skin of yesterday shed for the goodness of today. We do not have to live under the old. Folks that want to remind you of your history have no place in your future. Words that hold you in bondage are not words of God. Even good words, perhaps even God words, may have run out their time and their season.
People love and appreciate words but some of those words may well have shelf life. They were intended for a season. Not a forever. They are no longer valid. (Yes, you can miss it.) Yet many people hold on to those things tightly, never letting them go, waiting for promises that are not for today. Just as a baby elephant is held with a chain and a pole, it never comes to realize this can not hold it as it grows older, yet the ingrained thought of its childhood, its past, its history holds it back from freedom.
Even during worship yesterday, I saw this, that people were holding on to things that God wanted them to release. They were holding on to their small blessing (No doubt that they were things of blessing.) but God wanted those things sown and not held. The greatness of harvest was contingent on the releasing. This is not a giving message, but it most certainly is a releasing message.
I saw a young man with both hands holding on to the rope of a small rowboat. Next to him a man was holding the same type of rope except it was tied to a boat that was like a cruise liner. He was saying to the young man “I can not give you this one until you let go of the other one. Your hands can not hold two ropes”.
(Why would he not let go of the smaller boat’s rope?)
Sometimes we are asked to look at the bigger picture. Some times we are asked to grow up or to mature. Even holding on to a “good” thing can be bondage if there is a God thing before you.
Your better tomorrow may well be tied to what you decide to hold on to today or more importantly release today. Bitterness and wrath over bad words and actions are not worth holding on to. Extend you faith to believe for better.
As I hung out with my grandson Jacob and had watched him earlier give away a craft he had made, I thought currently he finds it easy to give. I am not sure what his reasons are for that. But as I thought about God I realized that if you or I do not believe there is “more for tomorrow” we will hesitate in what we give for today.
Today God is desirous to release you from words and things that would hold you back. He desires you would get a glimmer of His greatness that you might see He has more than you could imagine. Pour out your cup of yesterday that you might see blessing in the today!