Limited Or Limitless?


preachingatvillageLimited or Limitless-Does life have limits?

Like many nights I came out of a dream. The “problem” for me and dreams is that when I wake up I am not sure that I am “out” of the dream. So as I wandered down the steps to the living room, my thoughts were in a dream. I came down and did my normal “get ready” which includes pushing the button on coffee, turning on my computer and using the bathroom.

I came over to the couch (Still in the dream apparently.)Sat down and put some thoughts on the page, read an article that upset me and heard the coffee tell me it was ready. As I walked over, I was thinking, “I still need to use the bathroom, how can that be?” But I made the cup of coffee and went into the bathroom. As I walked through the door I realized I had been living two realities…again. I was still in a dream and still in “this world”.

That is a little tidbit, because many think heaven is a place “to go” rather than a dimension of heaven. How does that work? I don’t know!

But I am sure it has to do with this dream on some level…

I dreamed that I was in a roomful of people. They were working hard. They had goals to meet. But the problem I was seeing was when they hit that goal they were encouraged to “maintain” but not increase. They were held back. Denied the ability to go further, increase and bring more productivity. Instantly the word “socialism” began to appear in my mind. (I will not make this political, but clearly the spiritual overlaps the arena of politics.)Many were content with the system. Everyone was equal. But clearly there were those who struggled with not making their goals and others who had a look that said, “but I can do more”. The latter group, were they to try, was disciplined.

So, coming out of the dream bothered me. Was it about politics? Workplace? Life?

While waiting for my coffee, I read an article. It began to upset me. I had been in this place and given a word about forging ahead, taking off the limiters and making your way. The word involved prosperity, creativity, innovation and “being all you can be”. I invested a lot of time with these people. The article “ripped” a page off my “book” for them. There was no “credit”, no recognition. A flash of anger occurred. It was a heart check. In a moment I saw the reality I will reveal to you.

The world has put a lot of emphasis on “manage the mood”. We build parks to entertain, venues to produce “reality” and manufacture medicines to modify and manage behavior. Our world has the potential of being an external influence to the people. Perhaps, that is because so many have wielded influence who are empty on the inside. They have no internal workings with Christ on the inside. And so many of the pressures people encounter is because there is no internal pressure from the fullness of Christ to push back against the world’s stress and influence.

Many of you looked at my dream, and said “that’s right. That is socialism.” And You may miss the next part. First, let us get a working definition of socialism. An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity. Does that sound like the dream? In part, it does.

But not just the world. Let me give you an example in the church. A minister stands before a congregation and preaches words of condemnation and guilt, instituting the law to “hold people” back. (Can’t let them get too far out there with this grace thing.) Or maybe they preach a word out of insecurity that restrains people, telling them they can not go beyond where he or she is. This fuels giving, service and… more insecurity. In his or her life and the lives of the people. The “shepherd” is afraid to let the “sheep” out. To free range. (Yet, they fight GMO’s!) And when the people begin to “fly” they are “rebellious”.

How about the parent or parents who were not successful in their own lives who implement structures of defeat and destruction in the lives of their children? Or who live vicariously through their child’s gifts? “Never go to far. Be safe!” Whatever happened to the pioneers? Where are the likes of Ben Franklin, Amelia Earhart, Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King? “Heroes” might define them but people who did extraordinary things is who they were. Not people with super powers, but “super, power” people with passion. Folks, current teaching and thought process is not going to teach that.

Even the workplace in so many areas has “dumbed” down the creative gene. The productive factor. We have seen the result in a homogenized work place, where everyone is to be the same. Don’t rock the boat. I have news for you. Successful businesses are usually the ones that let people roam free. Do you know why many businesses are “looking the same”? Because if you make too much, they want to take your money. I get not everyone is a “super star” but everyone may well have the potential, so why not allow the “cream to rise to the top”? What about merit? About input?

I read this story yesterday and it caused me to think. Beyonce makes $50 million and no one complains. A CEO makes $5 million for a company having a record year and people are upset. It really caused me to think. I don’t disagree with either compensation. In the latter many are the factors for a successful year and I am sure some will complain “that is not fair”. But, I ask, who had the idea, the courage, to subject themselves to a board? Often, we want things to “equal” when it benefits us or shows us “disfavor” but I think that is life. I think even the scriptures lay that out. Sure, all people are equal at the cross, but where do they go from there? Choice. Incredible choice, but choice all the same.

Folks, this is not a “trophies for everyone” world. (Certainly not “congrats on 14th place!”)God gave us freedom to be successful. To change the world. To make it more like heaven. If you want to make the world a little more “social”, a little more “equal” then it is time to make it a little more like heaven!

I see something and I want it to be better. I want it to work. To change the earth. And if I am convinced of one thing it is only a touch from heaven changes the downward flow of earth’s people. Only heaven uplifts folks from the fall. It is time to innovate, create and love. Yes, love. Because when one loves, they want things to be be better. For themselves, for their families and communities.

Limited? Or limitless? I can tell you the latter is available. What you believe determines whether it is a “limited” life style or not. I choose a life without limits. Without restriction. With liberty…and justice for all. Jesus satisfied the requirements on a cross that you and I might have liberty and love without limits. A limitless God, a loving Father has limitless children!

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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