Tag Archives: alignment

“The Happiest Sound” To Be Heard

"Use me!"
“Use me!”

Years ago I met a man. He showed up on my doorstep. He was physically hunched over. His life changed by an accident. He said “I heard you would help me to get services”. I invited him in. A friend had told him about me and my wife. As I looked at this broken man I thought something is getting ready to happen. I asked if I could pray for him. As I did I could hear cracks and pops as bones and joints aligned. I was young in the Lord. Send me into a drug den to preach I was good with, but a man who was broken and hurt (One leg had shortened some 5 inches from the encounter of his vehicle and a ten wheeler.)I was not so good with. As I prayed for him he fell forward, across the coffee table (Aren’t people supposed to fall backwards?!?!?)and into my arms. He sounded like a breakfast cereal as snaps, crackles and pops kept coming from his body. I had a moment as his leg grew out. A while later I was looking at a new man. There was no trip to find him services that day or any other. He came to live with my wife and I. One of the many that would live with us over the years. Continue reading “The Happiest Sound” To Be Heard

Alignment And Where We Are Headed

My friend Pat and I are fellow prophets. We function in the grace given by God  in Ephesians 4:11 as prophets. And yet, we are by far different in our  words, our demeanor and our process. Still we are great friends. Some  years ago, another friend described us as Zechariah and Habakkuk.

puzzle pieeA few months ago, I tabled the idea that we ought to pick a topic and write  on it. Not talk to one another about it but write our thoughts out and  share our sides, our thoughts and our voices. Finally we have done it!

The topic? Alignment…
Continue reading Alignment And Where We Are Headed

Dreams That Lead To Sound Thinking

heargod2I had something pretty much already for this morning’s post on mentoring. Then I went to bed and the dreams kept coming and coming. So, let me share them with you and the connection I have found.

The first dream took me to this place that seemed rural yet populated. There was a man who was singing “If I had a hammer, I’d hammer out danger. I ‘d hammer out injustice…” Now at 3 in the morning I thought that was pretty weird,I will take a note and go back to sleep. (I did.) The dream came back. Someone had given him a hammer.And he was hitting a large steel girder placed in the ground. With each swing of the hammer, the resounding noise would cause the things about to “straighten”, to come into line. The longer he hit the more the “earth” developed harmony and order. Continue reading Dreams That Lead To Sound Thinking

Heavenly Alignment – Where Are You Headed?

understanding1The last few months I have given great thought to “heavenly alignment.” What is it? What are the benefits? What are the results for being “there?”

The first thought that needs to be dealt with, is, where is God? “Omnipotence” is fairly easy to deal with. Revelations 19:6 says He is “Almighty.” “Omnipresence” slightly more. (We will deal with “omniscience” at a later date!) Where is God? One answer is, He is in heaven. Another answer is “He is inside me.” Is He there or here? The answer is both! And when we have accepted His payment on the cross, the knowledge that He will never leave me or forsake me is easy to understand. Continue reading Heavenly Alignment – Where Are You Headed?