Tag Archives: bus

My Peace I Give To You

leejohndrowteamThere were flashes in the air as the bombs went off. The small group abandoned their vehicle and headed for cover. They were more concerned for their safety than they were for the food and the vehicle that was left on the road. They brought music and were not prepared to fight whoever these people were. Continue reading My Peace I Give To You

Manipulation And Control…Meet Grace!

I was ministering in our local fellowship. Our team was there. When I got done, a man stormed out of the service. He was yelling “he did not even mention my blog”. I was dumbfounded. He pushed my wife over into a row of chairs. I was far enough from him that I could not get to him. One of my friends headed out to speak to him. I saw them go out the door together. I knew it would be okay. He had been under lots of pressure lately, so I was not too worried about it. I walked towards my wife and the others who had been pushed aside. Seeing they were all okay, I headed outside. Continue reading Manipulation And Control…Meet Grace!

The Secret Behind Restoration

It is more than just a place to go. It may be how you get there.
It is more than just a place to go. It may be how you get there.

What is the secret behind restoration?

I had two dreams last night. Very closely related.

First dream
In this dream a large bus was carrying young children to a very remote area to camp. When we got there large tents were there. I saw young people running towards the lake. The water was so pure, so clear I could smell the freshness of it all. Continue reading The Secret Behind Restoration