Tag Archives: dance

The Awkwardness Of An Age

alyssacamera 004Even in the darkness of the camping area there was no fear. Oh, there were the trees that formed shadows and the noises of the night that caused a check in my walk, but it was startling and not fear creating. I knew where I was going and not even in the darkness was I fearful.

I had a pretty interesting dream this morning. It vacillated between the innocence of being a child and the darkness that seemed to await those that wandered off the properties. It reminded me of Batman’s Gotham City, the camp I attended as a child(Keewaydin)and the reminder that while a child’s  life may be awkward it is but a season. Continue reading The Awkwardness Of An Age

Words Of Destiny #4 A Young Man Dines and A Young Girl Has Her Heart Healed

podcast_logo1-e1377265165667This morning I was swept through the clouds. Nearly an hour later my chest hurts from the sobbing I encountered, as I felt I was weeping over children and nations. It was unexpected and painful. It was one of those cries where you feel something breaking loose.

The first person I saw was a young man in a chapeau who was invited in to sup with the King in recognition of service and faithfulness. Continue reading Words Of Destiny #4 A Young Man Dines and A Young Girl Has Her Heart Healed