Tag Archives: destruction

Fear How Bad It Is

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

Fear How Bad It Is

In the community I lived in there was a very wealthy man. Selfmade he was. He came up from the ranks of being a machinist and cook. He learned the value of money and he learned to be very good at. So good that he was one of the wealthier businessmen and real estate owners in the community. He made wise decisions with money. He made wise decisions with people.  He gave, he honored and he did it well. Continue reading Fear How Bad It Is

A Quandary

dontworryA Quandary Like so many these days, I feel as my life is a quandary. Perplexing. I read the news. I look at the changing events across nations. I watch economies shift and slide. And in the midst of it, my natural self rebels at the changes I am forced to “go through.” Why? Because I am caught in the issues of the globe! I have watched my business change as other businesses have floundered and gone out of business. I wonder what is going on as so many do. But I trust God. Continue reading A Quandary