Tag Archives: events

In The Event Of An Emergency


leejohndrowteamLast night as phone calls and such came in following my short hospital stay, I sat there and thought about all the things you think of in crisis. The range was from family and friends to mortality and change. Perhaps the “life flashing before your face” thinking. Continue reading In The Event Of An Emergency

When Your Children Grow Up

In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)
In the arms of my father(I have the great sweater!)

Over the last few months I have had a number of experiences with my children. (My children are 26 to 32 years of age. Each unique. Each individual. I love each of them.) Marriage, first child, moves. A lot of what we would call the biggies in life. And with each change, I watched the grace of God move in their life. The seed bed of grace they are growing in is growing them up. I have watched as their priorities changed and continue changing. I watch with amazement all they have become. Continue reading When Your Children Grow Up