A daughter’s birthday. 3 grandchildren asleep who never see their father. An early morning chat with a friend. Today is a day to reflect on my role a little as a dad.
The last few years have been “different.” My message has changed. My season has changed. And, well…I have changed. A lot of it has to do with the message I embrace. The grace of God, undiluted, without a doubt. Continue reading The Value Of Father→
Dear Tyler, Matt, Cass, Amy and Alyssa. (And all the grandkids!)
If for some reason I do not catch up to you this weekend, I want you to know…
I love you! I love you! I love you!
I love each of you in a special way. Ask Tina. What an awesome child each of you is.
I always wanted to be there even when I couldn’t. How many times was that? To save you, to rescue you. You know the times when you called. (Dads are superheros minus those tights. Did I ever tell you I was Superman one year and my mom made me wear tights? To a Cub Scout pack meeting!)
I am here because of a great dad who made a lot of mistakes. I have followed in his footsteps. I have made a lot of mistakes. You will too probably. But if you are willing to learn, to ask and allow yourself the love and correction of those who care about you, you will be better. I probably let you down along the way. Bad clothes, wild hair, terrible jokes-but I am pretty sure that is part of being a dad! Today I remembered a time with each of you that was special and it brought tears to my eyes. But you are here! (And take pictures-you can always be the embarrassment to your own children!)
I love just being with you. Seeing you smile. Seeing you happy. Even now, all these years later, if I could just protect you I would! To know that you are happy is important. I cannot fix in your life what I could when you were young. But I can still hug you, love you and care about you. There is no favorite kid status in my life. Each of you is my favorite.
Life is too important to waste. Too good to dwell on “what isn’t.” Nothing is more important than family and friends. Build well. Life is like oil and vinegar. One cleanses and stings, while the other covers and comforts. Both are necessary to your future, to your today. A couple of quick thoughts.
Your family-if you work on this, so many other things will change for you. It is not about gifts or presents (Though they are fun!) but about interacting and knowing it makes you who you are. Devote yourself to this area and watch other things happen well. When this is strong other areas absorb the strength. Please do not forsake your family!
Your lovelife-Some of you are figuring this out. Some of you are waiting. While the other things I have to say can rebound and bounce, this area is breakable. It requires the mind of a weightlifter, strengthening the “muscles” by daily lifting. Do you add oil or vinegar to your life together? Tina and I have not done it all right, but 20 plus years we are still working on it.
Your spiritual life-God will never leave you nor forsake you. How you pursue Him is your choice. But if you desire change in your life, He is a necessary part. He loves you greater than I and has the ability to help you if you let Him. My life would not be what it is nor would you be on so many levels without Him.
Your friends-One of the most important pieces of your life. Choose well, even having to let go of some. Can you cry with them? Laugh? Who you choose determines a lot in the quality of your life. Do they add water or vinegar?
Your Worklife-I think you all know where I stand on this. Ask yourself this- “Am I in the right business or profession?” Remembering the following will help with this decision “Do what you like and you will never have to work.” My own is “love your work and work is love.”
Your Financial Life-I encourage you to think now and often. I have made lots of money and lost lots of money. Your choices here will help you do better in other areas. Get help. Do not be an instantaneous, microwave person. Learn now and live then!
Your physical and mental life-This is on you. No one else can do it. You know my motto. Daily vacations! Get outside-get away. I know it is not always “possible” but do not let life swallow you up. Evaluate your choices now, not later. Take a walk. Climb a mountain.
With all that said, will you have fun? Today? Everyday? Gosh I hope so! I love each of you so much.
Life can be fun! Whether it was the time where we went shopping like people with the munchies while Tina was gone and the root beer exploded. Motorcycle rides. Camping in the wilderness. Losing the brakes. Learning to drive. Climbing trees. Going to farms. Baseball games. Stupid movies (Didn’t everybody watch Gremlins or Goonies?) or dumb shows. Live life on purpose. With intent!
Made a dumb choice? Laugh! There will be another time. Made a good choice-Don’t gloat, the dumb choice may be right around the corner! Do not be upset. You cannot achieve cosmic consciousness by contemplating cauliflower.
Dad is always a phone call away. I have some of the most amazing children anyone could ever ask for. That’s right. I am talking to you! Look in the mirror and say “Dad says I am awesome!” (I do!) Call me. I love hearing your voice!
Trust me: Wherever I am or ever will be, I am thinking of you and smiling because I love you!
I penned this a year ago. Being a dad is not easy. Not being a dad when you can is worse.
This week is the celebration of Father’s Day. If you were looking for a list, I am probably not the right person and this is not the right place. I have made my share of mistakes. Even after the birth of my youngest daughter, there were things I was still “working on.” And as I look around I see that I am not the only one who figured it out the hard way. But I credit my dad and few other “dads” with standing with me during difficult times. Continue reading My Dad-I Miss Him→