The recent shooting in Charleston South Carolina has once again, polarized a nation. I have allowed myself to view it through eyes that brought pain to my heart and to my thinking. Folks died. A young man shot them. I sit here and hurt for the loss and grieve for the families. I find myself frustrated over the media cacophony, the sharp words and the painful foolishness. Continue reading When Will We Make Peace?
Tag Archives: featured
Who Is Running The Show?
No this is not a political statement. Nor is it a word of destruction. I am not talking about the recent shooting in the church or any other shooting or death.
This morning at about 3 I was awakened from a dream. (Not only awakened, but spent the rest of the morning, mulling over it.) Continue reading Who Is Running The Show?
I Wanna Be Free! Hmmm…

“I am independent. I am independent.” What does that even mean?
Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, someone wants to confront me, discuss with me or blast me about independence. Whether it is school children, parents, business folks or politicians, it is there. Independence. Each day I read stories about the very fact of independence. Continue reading I Wanna Be Free! Hmmm…
Where You Live? Important!
This morning while I was working on something else, I saw a situation occur in the spirit. I was simply typing along and it happened. For years I have been a believer in where you are is important. It is not that you can not be “blessed” where you are but what if God has you for a greater season or a better opportunity? Are you letting your present comfort preempt God’s plan for you? Too often we use the word “wisdom” to describe “fear of change”… Continue reading Where You Live? Important!
In Honor Of A Father
Last night I had an encounter in a dream. So incredible was the dream that when I awoke, (super early) I was energized and jumped out of bed to write and bask in the encounter.
[tweetthis]Honor has value and brings value.[/tweetthis] Continue reading In Honor Of A Father
What Are You Thinking?
Every time I open Facebook or Twitter there are the proverbial “one liners”. I think there is a part of me that wonders as to whether the one liners are the dumbing down of humanity or humanity preceded with the dumbed down.
Which came first? Continue reading What Are You Thinking?
Flag Day
In recent days I have had numerous conversations with folks about business, community and our country and what they think they can do to “change” things. While many are the ideas that are “floated” about, it is clear that a “back to basics” approach is being sought. Last weekend’s Memorial Day parades and festivals brought out even more desire in community members to see more community events.
I am the son of generations of military men. They were proud people who wore the uniforms and respected the flag and what it stood for. A few years ago, I met with an area business man. He shared how he was “tough” about a lot of things, but when a five year old asked him to sing the Star Spangled Banner and that she would “do a good job” he said it was an emotional moment. Recently some of the largest viewed videos on the internet are young children singing the National Anthem. (I watch with an eye at the idiocy and bigotry surrounding the recent singing by Sebastien De La Cruz.) Continue reading Flag Day
I Just Want To Write!
I am working through the idea that there is a book out there. My book The Interrupted Process is on the market. This is a snippet from it.
[tweetthis]Interrupted Process: Getting From Here To There[/tweetthis]
Interrupted Process: Getting From Here To There Continue reading I Just Want To Write!
Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!
In a few short weeks my family and I will go away to the Adirondacks. Our first Johndrow vacation. Children and their children. On a lake with a boat and a beach.
So often in the world of Christianity, we have forgot the nature of having fun, times of respite and the over riding desire of family to be together. Continue reading Coming Soon – A Family Vacation!
Grace For All The Right Reasons

It is the day of grace. Grace. The man of Jesus. John 1:17 For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
That never ending flow of empowerment through the believer. Grace. Unmerited, undeserved favor. We have heard them all. Used them all. Grace. Continue reading Grace For All The Right Reasons