Tag Archives: hiatus

A Hiatus Does Not Mean An End


So the Duck Dynasty stuff continues and changes are being considered. The world is still turning on its axis.

But what about me? You?

No-StressI said what I had to say about the hiatus imposed on Phil Robertson. But what about the hiatus you or I may have gone through? You know the one where we were headed down the road of success and change came? A divorce or financial circumstances came? (I am in the process of completing a book on Interrupted Process.)

Last night I had a vivid dream that took me through places like North Haven Connecticut and back up into Vermont. Much of it seemed “out of place” until the end.

What I saw happening in the dream is people were trying to recapture or reclaim a friendlier time in their lives. One that brought them comfort and joy. People were shopping at area stores, talking to people in the parking lots, putting bags of presents and food in their vehicles. Continue reading A Hiatus Does Not Mean An End