Tag Archives: impression

Exchange-A Giving To Get

Ready for God to express Himself.
Ready for God to express Himself.

I have spoken about this before. The exchange of what one has for something of perceived or better value. Sometimes one makes an exchange, just to get back to square one. Or to be even.

One of the reasons that sales or selling work is you have product or service in which people will exchange money and/or merchandise or service, in the case of barter, to obtain what they are looking for. Continue reading Exchange-A Giving To Get

Legacy Is A Footprint Recording

When I was a child I thought a sock monkey was God. Someone heard me share the story and made me a new sock monkey.

I jumped from the ledge. The trip down ended suddenly as I splashed down into the mud and water. I was finally able to work my way out. Where I had fallen to was still imprinted with my “image” and remained that way for several days. Continue reading Legacy Is A Footprint Recording