Tag Archives: October

A Vision For October- The Birthing Of Something Big!


trumpetI have been away for a few days in West Virginia, enjoying the company of friends. It was an amazing time. Spending time away is always difficult away from family. It is made easier by the fact that I encountered some simply awesome people. My list is partial in the sense I will not remember all that I met. But I am thankful to the ministry of folks like Lynn Hiles, Roger Legg, Bob Smith, Dan Keistler and oh, so many more. Southern hospitality, superb teaching and fellowship. It just warms my heart. Continue reading A Vision For October- The Birthing Of Something Big!

My Method Of Thought -The Wave To Come

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

My method of thought….

Many have already said that is an oxymoron. But in reality I do. I have lots of things that just bubble over time in my life. The last few days have been spent “cleaning” up files. Always interesting as I have a number of files that appear “incomplete.” Yet every now and then I will return to them and add a topic or a sentence to them. Continue reading My Method Of Thought -The Wave To Come