Tag Archives: redemption

Come Out! Come Out Wherever You Are!

leejohndrowteamLast night I connected with a friend who I have not spoken to in years. Lives changed. Different paths. Fellow New Englanders we engaged over my article on New England. She wrote back. “Wow. Yes I resonate but I have always felt that it was our time because we live in the eternal now in Him but it does pair up with how God has called me over the past 25 years to release intimate love, boundless expressions of worship and wild creativity in the church, outside of the church, to large groups and individuals. Beautiful words and declarations…He’s always there with the goods willing to release them in and thru us. I don’t believe there is a need for delay or a sense of distance of any kind. At least that’s my theology now after 25 years.” Continue reading Come Out! Come Out Wherever You Are!

If You Feel Left Out, This Is The Place

leejohndrowteamLife is funny. A couple of weeks ago I showed my grandkids “Mork and Mindy” with Robin Williams. Yesterday morning as I drove through Keene and looked at the sign from the time of Jumanji being filmed, I thought of him. Yesterday morning, my post with the picture of “leave me alone”, I thought about him.  And yesterday I wrote about troubled places around the world and thought about Hollywood. I opened my email to see that one of my favorite comedians had gone on. Robin Williams. Continue reading If You Feel Left Out, This Is The Place

Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours

Prophesying over my friends.
Prophesying over my friends.

Last night one of my dreams put me in a place of contention with a friend over the world, economics and the topic of bankruptcy versus redemption. He was telling me that in the process of his loss he had been able to develop a process of redemption rather than bankruptcy allowing him and his wife to move ahead.

Now, as I awoke I thought about it. First, the reality of it. (Could not validate his point.) Then on to his points. Continue reading Redemption Or Bankruptcy? The Choice Is Yours

A Penitent, A Tree And A Book Of Leaders

barbwire(Sounds like the work at the cross.)

Last night I was in a large cafeteria much like the one I was in when I was a child. The large tables folded up to be put to the side. They were big. A group of friends were with me and we were sitting at a table neared the end. The last table had a group of young men perhaps 12-15 years of age. They sat on both sides of the table and the group was perhaps 8 or 9 of them. Continue reading A Penitent, A Tree And A Book Of Leaders