Tag Archives: teachers

A Dream On Stewardship


trumpetRide in a limo? Airplanes?

(This will be a long read! Please bear with me.)

Last night one of my dreams took place in front of our church fellowship, The Village Church. In the dream many people were inside the school wing and there was an opportunity to participate in helping get the new limousine ready to bless folks with.

A little back ground on me and limousines. When we had our church fellowship I was preparing to buy a limousine for the church. Not a new one but a nice one. (It even had a hot tub in the back!) My reason was (Other than it was kind of cool…) that I would chauffeur people for anniversaries and birthday parties in the church. And do special things to celebrate successes. Take elderly people shopping. (My wife tells me it was a better idea than the army tank I was going to buy.) But, “cooler” heads prevailed and I was asked to not do that.

The other little background is the road that leads to our fellowship was recently redone including a new bridge and the leveling of the road. (Proverbs 3:6) I see this as preparation.  (Our church building is not on the main drag.)

Continue reading A Dream On Stewardship

Why The Fivefold Ministry? My Answers.

Many folks are coming into a revelation of the need for the fivefold ministry. It is often easy to see the results when we do not see this gifts operative or available.

My own understanding of the need, the hows and whys have changed over the years. So for “today” here are my thoughts!

By what every joint supplies!