In my dream a client of mine called me every day for a new part. Earlier in the year he had made the purchase of a computer. Each day he would call and tell me what he needed to make it better. Make it run faster. Early on I had “found” this “part number” that allowed him to completely overhaul his computer. One time. Once and for all. Never to have to work on it again. His answer was “no”, that he would keep on doing it his way. Continue reading Overhauled Once And For All
Tag Archives: throne
Are You Barb Wired In? Have You Been Trying To Skip Instead Of Sink?
Visions December 1 2013
While visiting with a friend I was sharing how so few people want to look in for their answers. Am I the only one who ever made the round of calls where no one answers in my time of “desperation” only to reach answering services? Looking for someone to talk to while the Lord is inside. (Perhaps even saying, “uhh, hello? I am SOMEBODY!”)
And while I was talking to him I had a vision of a skipping stone across a river. I watched the stone skipping with slowly declining arcs across the shimmering waters. At some point, with momentum lost, the stone sunk to the bottom. Continue reading Are You Barb Wired In? Have You Been Trying To Skip Instead Of Sink?