Tag Archives: web site

The Process Of Rebuilding


fireworksToday is Valentine’s Day. Over the years my wife and I have had a number of great times together on Valentine’s Day. It is not so much a day “to do something” as it is a reminder on a level of our love for one another. I tend not to be a “day” or event person unless we are talking about birthdays or holidays that involve the family.

But, I should be real when I say we have had to work hard to get where we have got to in our marriage. Aside from the power and love of God in our life, I don’t think we would have made it. There have been a number of times in earlier days where I am pretty sure we did not think we could make it. Continue reading The Process Of Rebuilding

A Lot Of Turmoil

2013-08-22 10.50.40There seems to be a “lot of turmoil” about me. Some of it has even “got hold” of me a little. The dictionary definition is this, “a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion.” A state or condition. That tells you it is not “forever” that there is respite.

Job talked about turmoil. After outlining his woes a little he said this, “There the wicked cease from raging, And there the weary are at rest. “The prisoners are at ease together; They do not hear the voice of the taskmaster. “The small and the great are there, And the slave is free from his master.” (Job 3) Continue reading A Lot Of Turmoil

3 dreams August 23rd 2013 Light-Reservations-Change

cropped-cover1.jpgLast night I had three dreams. The three is not lost on me.

  • Each one powerful and I believe with unusual significance.
  • Each one was broken up by awakening and a sense of awe.
  • The first foreign in nature, the second with relationship starting, the third with relationships.

Continue reading 3 dreams August 23rd 2013 Light-Reservations-Change