Tag Archives: workplace

Grace Is The Sweetest Sound

blackThis morning I woke up “blank” . Usually I awaken to something. A thought, a picture or an idea.his morning as I came down the stairs, I realized there was nothing on the “stove” of percolation. Nothing revealed, nothing seen. “God, have I missed something?” I asked. Continue reading Grace Is The Sweetest Sound

Relax. There Is Joy!

heargod2Life is to be lived. As I woke this morning, I thought about the things that do not live and the energy folks put into them. It may be a phone, a website or a program. I am not saying “do not use” or enjoy, but what is life in the midst of it?

The next few paragraphs that are “snap shots” of the week. I am certain you will see the thread. Continue reading Relax. There Is Joy!

Drill A Little Deeper

2014-05-03 13.25.11It is Fathers Day Weekend. I actually was reviewing some pics of my dad, shots with my children over the years and some letters I have received and such. I guess nostalgic would describe some of it. (This past week I actually put together a series of 5 articles on dads.) But now I have 3 of my children married (Two who are the dads.) and I think what was it like to be a young dad. Continue reading Drill A Little Deeper

Praying For Those In The Middle August 14th 2013

A Word To Hear
A Word To Hear

This morning while in prayer I saw three things.

First let me clarify, I have had a sense that many were feeling the ill effects of circumstances and situations. Two friends followed up with me to ask for prayer.

I have watched good people getting the stuffing knocked out of them. In particular the workplace has been getting harder for some. The heat is on. (All I can hear is that song “The Heat Is On” by Glenn Frey! Yesterday I wrote of the heat and what it does to Mexican Jumping Beans.) My wife as well as my friends are working hard to be the witness they are called to be in the workplace. So, as I prayed for those in the workplace I saw this. Continue reading Praying For Those In The Middle August 14th 2013