Timing – The Beginning Of Process


leejohndrowteamLately, like many my mind has been on what we call process. The time, the steps and ingredients or things necessary to accomplish a finished product.

In people, process not only includes time, but may include revelation about God or oneself. It may in fact seem to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r! It may or may not include people. As you read through the Bible there is plenty of time to observe the result of process in a person’s or a people’s life.

Process is not the decision you make so much as it is that of the Lord. You can attempt bypasses, come around again and think you can check out, but I don’t see that. A bypass simply places you in another process. Avoiding it usually gives you another opportunity. Checking out? Well, I guess that means you are checking in somewhere else!

I simply think of when Kenny Rogers sang, “I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in” only to realize that it ain’t over until it’s over.

Some processes may in fact take a lifetime. While others are shorter. Some of it depends on the individual and how well they are at taking advice, correction and change.

Life is all about process and processes.

Last night I was thinking about the process of foods and drinks I love and appreciate. Beef is one of those. Dry aging gives flavor and improves taste and quality. But most would avoid it were they to view the process. Cheese. Wines.

All go through a process or develop a process that release quality, flavor and taste. The best of these take time!

Time. So important in the process of life, the revealing of maturity and the development of wisdom.

I was thinking about all of this and began to contemplate the process of wine. (We hear about wine frequently in the Bible, so I was giving it thought.)

So much of wine is the result of the winemaker. In human process this seems to be the Lord himself. He brings together folks (grapes) of regional difference. This makeup often includes in people; culture, background and geography. And while wine can be made practically anywhere one of the favorite aging tools is the oak cask. In people this may well mean that the overall process of coming forth does not have many detours on this issue. While God created uniqueness in the individual there is “coming together” that brings the best result.

Did you know that one of the greatest factors in a wine is the knowledge of when to pick? The earlier a grape is picked the lower the alcohol level. The more acidic. A more mature grape held in the growth process will produce a sweeter tannin, a higher alcohol content and a lower acidity. In people this part of the process may be what some might describe as mellow. Accomplishing more with less energy. Meekness described as strength under submission.

The moment that grape is picked us the biggest deal in wine. It may well be the single most important phase of wine making there is. An earlier picking can result in bitterness. Too late and it may need “help”.

What does this mean in a person? Perhaps you can shortcut process, but do you want to? If the goal is to be all that God wants you to be why would you want to shorten that which can produce the best in you? Not all parts of process are comfortable but trust in the one who loves you is important.

Perhaps one of the greatest difficulties is trusting God. The “what ifs” that lead to premature change. The attempt to shorten process. It is the result of lack of trust, the doubting of the love of the Father. I get that there can be pride but most often it is not understand the wisdom and the love of the Father. You may have the best upbringing, the greatest culture and the best climate and still without understanding the Father’s love for you, you can bring about change that produces a lesser outcome. Perhaps you have. I know I have in my walk. That is where Romans 8:28-29 are so important. The knowledge that God works ALL things together…(Keep reading the rest!)

Have you prematurely changed the process? Go to Him. Have you jumped the track? Go to Him. Have you missed it? Go to Him.

If I know one thing about process, it is this. It is never over until it is over.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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