Tina and I Celebrate 21 Years Together


Last night I had a dream. Interesting because in the dream I had all my hair back! But mostly it reminded me that my anniversary comes up in just a few short days.

2013-04-17_13-47-36_533My wife and I, on October 3rd will be married 21 years. Who would have thought? Certainly not the naysayers as they spoke their “counsel” over us. Each of us with two failed marriages behind us, who would believe we could make it?

We met in our local fellowship. It was NOT love at first sight. I was always getting in trouble somehow, some way. (The pastor’s wife once said to me that in 20 years of marriage she had only heard her husband yell twice and both times were at me!) Tina avoided me. But one day, I saw her son throw a baseball and no boy is going to throw like a girl, his only role model, I thought. The next thing we knew we were talking marriage. And a few short months later…

Tina and Lee wedding
Tina and Lee at their wedding October 3rd, 1992

We were married in our local fellowship, the power of God moved into the room adding value to our lives together. So strong was the spirit of God that we fell to our knees with our heads on the floor. The pastor, his wife, our best man and the maid of honor fell over the top of us. What God says is good…is good!

We spent our honeymoon on Cape Cod.

And it has been so easy…NOT! Often we were held together by commitment when we went through trials and tribulations. Within one week of returning from our honeymoon, the fires of adversity came and burned strongly.

tinaleeAdd the blend of two families of children and you quickly add another dimension of difficulty. (You can also add the fact that I do not how to not say what is on my mind!!!)

We have weathered it all and frankly, pretty well. Our original thinking that “iron sharpens iron” meant Ginsu knives dancing in the air were soon supplanted by sledgehammers. There are many over the years that have sown into our lives and the lives of our children. So thankful for them!

Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012 Some of the family

family 1Our family has grown. We have 5 children, 3 who are married, 5 grandchildren and I prophesy more on the way!

Life is good!


Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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