Are You Barb Wired In? Have You Been Trying To Skip Instead Of Sink?

Visions December 1 2013

While visiting with a friend I was sharing how so few people want to look in for their answers. Am I the only one who ever made the round of calls where no one answers in my time of “desperation” only to reach answering services? Looking for someone to talk to while the Lord is inside. (Perhaps even saying, “uhh, hello? I am SOMEBODY!”)

And while I was talking to him I had a vision of a skipping stone across a river. I watched the stone skipping with slowly declining arcs across the shimmering waters. At some point, with momentum lost, the stone sunk to the bottom.I felt the Lord say, “too many are putting off the inevitable.” To be “in the river” requires your life not to always be a “skipping stone.”  Most often the purposes of God are found in the deepest places. Deep speaking to deep. Not avoiding, but getting into the purposes of God for your life.

barbwireA short while later I had yet another vision. In that vision I saw people with barbed wired all about them. I watched. Many could not get out. The very reason they established the barbwire was they felt that they were protecting themselves.  I heard the Lord say, “what has contained them has kept them from my purposes.” The very idea that we could keep ourselves “safe” left us with the inability to touch others.

Moments later I saw another scene with barb wire. I saw well-meaning people putting barb wire up around the “throne.” The very existence of God “held” in by barb wire. They were keeping people from reaching God. People were keeping themselves from getting to Him.

So many scriptures went through my head. “The weapons of our warfare…Cast down every imagination…”

The reality of it is God already opened the door to be with Him.

And as I shared what I saw I heard my friend Jeff Collins saying this many years ago. “I have a ‘smile’ like a mule chewing barb wire.”

And then I saw the barb wire being “eaten” from around people and the throne.

I think the bottom line is Love.  God is desirous of a full relationship with His people. He is desirous that His people embrace His people.

Consider sharing with your friends!

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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