Lightning, Revelation And Rewards

David finishing up in Swanzey.
David finishing up in Swanzey.

Last night I had a dream where when I tried to speak strikes of lightning would appear. The lightning did not cause destruction. It changed things. They became brighter. Colors began to become vivid. Things that were old became new. I could see people become refreshed in the atmosphere where these bolts were.

Job 28:25-28
“When He imparted weight to the wind And meted out the waters by measure,When He set a limit for the rain And a course for the thunderbolt,Then He saw it and declared it; He established it and also searched it out.”And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.'”

We are in a new season where wisdom will be revealed, imparted and expressed through the voice of people who know God. Nothing in the dream suggested destruction or frustrated words (Why do people raise their voices in frustration?) but instead reveals the magnificent power and gifts He has given His children.

Daniel 11:32b – Those who know their God shall be strong and do mighty exploits

People are moving far from the noise of negativity and allowing the voice of the Lord to speak loudly in this hour. Do not be afraid for God is for you!

The Flume-

2015-09-05 12.52.11The other day I took my grandson and wife to to the northern part of the state of New Hampshire. We were going to hike up around the natural phenomenon called The Flume. A loud, thundering river that cascades down the mountain side.

The hike was enjoyable and we were at the top. While we were up there and I stared out over the beauty of the water and the mountains in the distance, the roar of the river in my ears, I was impressed with this thought.

All things flow from the head. Colossians 2:10 and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.

Lots of people have wanted to put their spin on who God is. Project their experience in life onto Him. But just as this mighty river will not flow upwards, neither will man’s wisdom overcome, overtake or be better than that of the Lord.

Wisdom and revelation flow from God. A flume is defined as being a deep, narrow channel through which a stream or river flows. As God causes us to be more like Him we see that the water or revelation becomes harnessed by the vessel or the vehicle we are. This is not a bad thing for we were created by Him. What it allows for is power that is constant, a flow that is mighty and a noise that is publishing His name.

The more we recognize and are grateful for the headship of the Lord in our lives the more we become powerful men and women of God who will carry out our calling.

Yesterday, I attended a race(half marathon) my brother was running in New Hampshire. My brother is a heart attack survivor and a cancer survivor. He runs for life.

As Jacob, Tina and I watched the runners come into the home stretch, I watched men and women of all sizes and shapes cross that line. Some had racing styles that were unusual. Others for speed whole others were glad to be there and celebrate their victory and life. As runners crossed they grabbed a water and returned to the roadside to cheer on remaining runners. One man had a women and another runner alongside him coaxing him to the end. Others were run alongside others and encourage them.

Shouts of “you can do it” and “come on”, the clapping and the cowbells or the announcement of yet another finish and another victory.

Were there prizes? Yep, but most congregated under tents with handfuls of BBQ and bottles of water talking to one another. People who had never met were introducing themselves to one another.

I want to say the culture was pretty cool. And while I do not think church fellowship is about running, I do think we could learn some things from time to time.

  • Life is often more of a marathon and not a sprint.
  • People come in all sizes, shapes and cultures. Embrace diversity.
  • Sometimes God is loud!
  • Sometimes your best needs to be saved for last. There is a rest in
  • God and a peace that abounds.
  • Have you won? Don’t climb up front. Go out and encourage someone.
  • Fellowship, food, faith, fun and family. You can do it!
  • Everyone has a story. Everyone is different. My journey is not yours. Your run not mine.. But we are all in it together.
  • Badges and awards are nice but people are cooler!
  • Find somebody new and help them.
  • Often the best things in life may be done with others.

Philippians 3:14 and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.

Written by Lee Johndrow

Lee Johndrow

Lee is the Senior Leader of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church in Keene, NH

He is the father of five wonderful children. Married for over 26 years to his wife Tina. Loving life with family, friends, faith, fun and food!

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