Tag Archives: Ezekiel

Discover, Uncover & Recover


A short video on Discover, Uncover & Recover

A Carousel, A Merry-Go-Round, Have We Been Here Before?

Ttrumpethe Carousel

I awoke this morning with anticipation in my heart. Something powerful in the air.  (A friend said “Say that again in your deep, suspenseful movie trailer voice.”) But after yesterday and the encounter I had…Only to find out my wife at roughly the same time was going through a similar encounter miles away. So much so, her co-worker had to talk to about “what was different.”

In the middle of the night I awoke hearing a song playing over and over in my head. Over and over the verses came into my mind until they were so loud I felt I had entered into a realm of heaven for lack of any better thought process. I saw “heaven coming to earth.” In those next few moments I felt a fresh understanding of Matthew 6:10. Of Him and all that He entails, here on earth. “I have made You too small in my eyes” was my thinking. Continue reading A Carousel, A Merry-Go-Round, Have We Been Here Before?

The Need For Elimination – Part Of The Growth Process

Just a thought?
Just a thought?

The other day I wrote an article on the God Card. That article also “iced” some people as they saw themselves in it. The only reason for playing the God Card is to win. Not God wins, you win. Another recent article was discussing the idea of marriage and what blessing means in a marriage. That one had some detractors as well. Priorities and filters, the same.

It would be disingenuous of me to not share all that God shows me. People often desire the prophet grace in the church until it starts to talk about “elimination” or change or calling people to better life. Continue reading The Need For Elimination – Part Of The Growth Process