Education In America Is Needed


Tgrade 12he election opened my eyes to many things. One of those was education.

A couple of recent videos I did have put me on the “firing” line so to speak. I am pretty used to it on some levels, but I was amazed at the response from people I do not know. I was taken back by a Catholic who thought in one sentence it was the job of the government to educate and at the same time for me to pick up the slack. Continue reading Education In America Is Needed

The Morning After Thoughts

Today we wake up to “more of the same” or is it? Folks, we wake up to the America we knew was divided and we see the reality of it. It is reflected in the wins and the losses. What has concerned me more over the months has been what I have described as a “civil war“, an oxymoron in word terms. (Personally, I would like to avoid that!)

My close friends know this is the scenario I saw, though I take no glory in it. 4 years ago much of America began to wake up. 4 years later I envision more to awaken. Continue reading The Morning After Thoughts

November 5th, 2012 The Day Before A Historic Election

george washingtonSo, what are you doing Election Day 2012? Many are rolling that around even as I type. Hmmmm…I have been giving a lot of thought to this. It reminded me of George Washington and what he saw for America…

The father of our country, George Washington, was a man of prayer. We have all read of how he went to the thicket many times to pray during the winter his army was at Valley Forge. However, little publicity has been given to the vision and prophecy he received at that time. The account of this vision was given in 1859 by an old soldier. He gave it to a writer, Wesley Bradshaw, who published it. Continue reading November 5th, 2012 The Day Before A Historic Election